I teach children art thru their learning ability. I don't demostrate to them full steps how to draw, but guide them through the requirement. From the requirement they are able to discover the problem solving solution and produce the art of unique to them on the world. With this ability, they will build up their imagination thinking, will help them in their future life on problem solving skill.
Right Brain Kids Art - 7 Interesting Gratitude Crafts For Father Day Special
#1 Egg puppet
Prepare a few egg shell, colorful cotton, ice cream sticks, felt, PVA adhesive for felt, magic color or makers. First step is create the puppet hair by pasting the cotton on the top of egg shell. Cut the felt into different clothing shapes such as shirt,long pants and shoes. Then glue all the felt together to create the body. Join the egg shell on the ice cream stick using paper tape, and glue the ice cream stick with the felt created body.
#2 3D scrapbooking Father portrait
Prepare a few candid photos of dad, acrylic color, some sea shell, A5 size mini canvas and PVA adhesive. Color the mini canvas with acrylic, while letting it dry, sort out the sea shell that was collected from the beach. Once the canvas is dried, paste dad candid photo on the canvas, add different shapes of sea shell on it as natural designed embellishment. Then a father portrait scrapbooking is done!
#3 Father Day greeting card
Prepare a few colorful construction paper, marker, color pencil, clay and crayons. Ask your child based on his or her memories to draw daddy face on the construction paper. They can imagine daddy is eating favourite food or drink, reading newspaper etc. Ask your child to create daddy favourite food or fruits using clay, and paste them on the construction paper that drew with daddy face. Last steps is add some write on the drawing such as dad enjoy apple, or dad love reading newspaper, happy father day etc.
#4 Draw dad from memories
Prepare a A3 size drawing block, ask your child to draw daddy from his or her memories with the feeling of feeling gratitude to daddy. I believe this will be the most grateful drawing and gift to dad.
#5 Collage of Dad
Prepare a wooden based of A4 size, acrylic and some of daddy little personal collection such as air tickets, movie tickets, bus tickets, train tickets etc. Use acrylic to color the wooden based, paste the ticket collections on the wooden based. You can ask your child to help for pasting, does matter the tickets are paste in uneven shapes or style, the important thing is your child love and enjoy pasting it. Always encourage your child to make the decision on pasting. Finally do a photocopy of dad photo, and paste it at corner to create a unique collage design, write some text such as.
#6 Make a kite for dad
Hand made kite with daddy is another fun crafting activity for father day. Prepare rice paper, PVA adhesive, coconut leaf sticks, and poster color. First, find a suitable kite template from internet, print it and cut out the shapes on the rice paper. Then using PVA adhesive to glue coconut leaf sticks as the kite back bone. Let it dry for an hour. Lastly paint some abstract pattern on the kite with poster color, let it dry half an hour and your kite is ready to fly.
#7 3D Sculpture using paper clay
3D sculpture crafting is great for children imagination and creativity thinking training. Ask your child to source for the 3D sculpture material with daddy at the playground or park that near your neighbourhood. With the collections and paper clay, create a 3D sculpture of little dream house of daddy.
The most important awareness for our children while doing above crafts is the gratitude and love feeling towards dad. Hope you can create anyone of them for father day!
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Right Brain Kids Art - Paper Cutting Crafting
http://www.RightBrainKidsArt.com This is another method you can try at home. Before doing this exercise make sure you have trained your kids how to use cutter or scissors. This method is I inspired from Selina in Shichida cutting paper exercise, just that I twist it to another way to practise in this craft. In this exercise can train two things, 1. Motorskills 2. Creativity and imagination